
Bullwinkle's Beautiful Ballad
YouTube Recording
Bullwinkle sings a song about loving who you are.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, it's show time! And now the star of our show, Bullwinkle!
When I was young my father told me be happy being a moose
You see the secret he knew in life you must be only yourself and things you can see
So I'm happy just to be me and I like all of me
I like my name, I like coffee and tea
Where else can you see a big moose just like me
Singing dum-dee, dum-dee-do-dee
With my friends here, I like them too you see
I see people not so happy trying to be someone else
And I tell them what my father told me
You see you must be no one else but yourself
Or you'll find out you're unhappy
And I want you to be happy like me
For if you believe just a moose can believe all that I know being happy
Being just me, just what I am a moose
(A moose, just a moose, a big moose)
A moose
Boris: Oh boy! That last note. Now I know what they mean by the call of the wild!
Natasha: But Boris, dahlink, there isn't a dry eye in the house!
Boris: Don't be silly Natasha, you're looking at the Fantasy Fountain Show!
Bullwinkle: Hey Underdog, what did you think of my big number?
Underdog: We've been friends for a long time, haven't we Bullwinkle?
Bullwinkle: Why sure!
Underdog: Well, can't we leave it that way?
Bullwinkle: Oh...yeah...
Rocky: We'll be back right after the next fantasy fountain show! In the meantime, remember what Bullwinkle said! Be happy!
Bullwinkle: Yeah, smile! Makes people wonder what you've been up to! Hehehe!
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