
Big and Small of It
YouTube Recording
Rocky and Bullwinkle are being polite to one another which really gets on Boris's nerves. Rocky and Bullwinkle then break into song about their friendship and includes Boris, Dudley, and Underdog too!
Bullwinkle & Rocky: (interrupting each other)
Bullwinkle: After you Rocky!
Rocky: No no, after you!
Bullwinkle: Oh I insist, after you!
Boris: Stop it already! I can't stand it all that goody goody!
Natasha: Boris! Dahlink, they are just being polite!
Rocky: Yeah! Bullwinkle and I are real good friends!
Bullwinkle: Pals!
Rocky: Chums!
Bullwinkle: We just go together like coffee and donuts!
Rocky: Chicken and dumplings!
Bullwinkle: Louis and Clark!
Rocky: Abercrombie and Fitch!
Bullwinkle: Heart Chefter and Marks!
Rocky: We're buddies!
Boris: D'Oh I think I'm going to be sick!
Rocky: Here's what we mean!
Bullwinkle: It's the big of it!
“Rocky”: It's the small of it!
Bullwinkle: It's the big of it!
“Rocky”: The small of it!
Bullwinkle: That's how we get along!
“Rocky”: It's the short of it!
Bullwinkle: It's the tall of it!
“Rocky”: It's the short of it!
Bullwinkle: The tall of it!
“Rocky”: There's nothing, can't go wrong! The days are down, he cheers me up, and makes me tall again!
Bullwinkle: And when my fame goes to my head he's bringin' me to Earth again!
Boris: It's the mean of it! It's the bad of it! The mean of it, the bad of it, now what you think of that?
“Rocky,” Bullwinkle, & Boris: It's the big of it (the mean of it), the small of it (the bad of it), the short of it, the tall of it, there's nothing, can't go wrong!
“Rocky” & Bullwinkle: Sometimes we feel so good there's nothing either of us can say! We're glad we've had the time together to spend another day!
Dudley: Take it Underdog!
Underdog: (plays saxophone)
Dudley: Gee this is fun! I think I'll have a go!
“Rocky,” Bullwinkle, Boris, & Dudley: Ahh! It's the big of it (the mean of it), the small of it (the bad of it), the big of it, the small of it, that's how we get along, it's the short of it, the tall of it, the short of it, the tall of it, there's nothing, can't go wrong!
Bullwinkle: The days I'm down Rocket's usually up, and makes me tall/feel good
“Rocky”: And when his fame goes to his head, I bring him back to Earth again!
“Rocky” & Bullwinkle (and Company): It's the big of it (the mean of it), the small of it (the bad of it), the big of it, the small of it, that's how we get along, it's the short of it, the tall of it, the short of it, the tall of it, there's nothing, can't go wrong! The big and small and short and tall what man can say Jose, with the big and the small and the short and the tall, that's all, that's all, that's all!
Natasha: That was nice Boris!
Boris: Yeah! You know sometimes I wish I had a friend
Natasha: Why?
Boris: So I could double cross him!
Natasha: You would double cross a friend?!
Boris: I've got to Natasha! Hehehe...my enemies don't trust me!
Bullwinkle & Rocky: (interrupting each other)
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