
ChrisMoose Christmas Show
YouTube Recording
Bullwinkle and his friends perform a tribute to “ChrisMoose.”
Announcer: It's “ChrisMoose” time at Bullwinkle's! And here's our star, one of Santa's helpers, the world's tallest elf, Bullwinkle!
Rocky: You're an elf Bullwinkle?
Bullwinkle: Well I'm kind of an honary elf Rock! I really wanted to be one of Santa's reindeer!
Rocky: Well what happened?
Bullwinkle: I couldn't do two things at once!
Rocky: Huh?
Bullwinkle: You ever tried pulling a sleigh and playing a banjo at the same time?
Rocky: Yeah...well at least you can do one thing at a time!
Bullwinkle: What's that?
Rocky: Play Bullwinkle!
Bullwinkle: Alright!
Oh ChrisMoose is that time of year we all join hands and spread some cheer!
We give our gifts and laugh together like we should all year!
Rocky: You know what happened on Christmas Eve Bullwinkle?
Bullwinkle: Yeah! That's when the shepherd washed their socks by night!
Underdog: That's watched their flocks!
Bullwinkle: Ooh! I thought it was a funny time to do the laundry!
Oh ChrisMoose is that time of year we all join hands and spread some cheer!
We give our gifts and laugh together like we should all year!
Dudley: Question! How does Saint Nick get down the chimney without getting full of soot?
Underdog: There's a knack to it Dudley!
Dudley: There is?
Underdog: Yes, hehehe. It's a sort of a nic nac!
Boris: You know how to drive a moose crazy Natasha?
Natasha: How Boris?
Boris: Give him a present marked “Do not open 'til Christmas.”
Natasha: How does this drive him crazy?
Boris: You give it to him the day after Christmas! Hehe, that's a good one!
Oh ChrisMoose is that time of year we all join hands and spread some cheer!
We give our gifts and laugh together like we should all year!
Bullwinkle: 'Twas the night before ChrisMoose and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse!
Boris: You called?
Bullwinkle: You a mouse?
Boris: Excuse me, I thought you said louse! This is ChrisMoose? I thought it was Halloween!
Natasha: But why dah-link?
Boris: Everybody's talking about “ChrisMoose witches.”
Rocky: I love ChrisMoose! It's the only time you get a birthday present on somebody else's birthday!
Dudley: Underdog, can you spell holiday?
Underdog: Certainly Dudley! H-O-I-D-A-Y, Holiday!
Dudley: That's wrong!
Underdog: How come?
Dudley: Noel! Noel!
Underdog: And a merry ChrisMoose to you too!
Oh ChrisMoose is that time of year we all join hands and spread some cheer!
We give our gifts and laugh together like we should all year!
Now we've had some laughs and fun so tell some people what we've done
And you will feel what we feel when we share ChrisMoose with you!
Now you go share it too!
Bullwinkle: I can do it Rock! I've proved I can do it!
Rocky: Do what?
Bullwinkle: I can do two things at once! I can sing and tell jokes at the same time!
Dudley: That was singing?
Underdog: Those were jokes?
Bullwinkle: Yeah, maybe you're right!
Rocky: You can do two things Bullwinkle!
Bullwinkle: What?
Rocky: Close your mouth and play!
Bullwinkle: Yeah!
Rocky: Before we go, here's a neat ChrisMoose gift suggestion! You can make somebody happy by giving them one of Bullwinkle's billion gift certficates! They're good for food, drinks, games, and rides, all at Bullwinkle's!
Bullwinkle: When you care enough to give the very moose!
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