
A Little Country-Country
YouTube Recording
Bullwinkle, the star of the show, graciously introduces his band, except for Boris and Natasha, who have to wait for Boris to pop in their names. Bullwinkle wants to play a “little country,” but Boris thinks he is talking about actual countries instead. After they finish playing, Boris takes a jab at Bullwinkle's vocal abilities.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! It's show time! And here's our star, that lovable lame-brain, that Northwoods niddy-noddy, Bullwinkle!
Bullwinkle: ...niddy-noddy? Well heidi good buddies! Behind me we got Rocky da Flying Squirrel on fiddle (Audience: Yay) Tooter Turtle on drums (Audience: Yay), and Hoppity Hooper on Harmonicky! (Audience: Yay) To my left, Underdog on sax! (Audience: Yay) And over here, Dudley Do-Right on wind-up phony-graph!
Boris: And up here, Boris and Natasha! (Audience: Boo)
Bullwinkle: Now we're gonna play a little country! (Audience: Yay)
Boris: Oh Goodie!
Natasha: You like that Boris?
Boris: Sure! Give me a little country every time!
Natasha: Why dahlink?
Boris: Big countries put me in jail! (Audience: Boo)
Bullwinkle: No no! This here is a little USA country music! (Audience: Yay)
Boris: A little USA country music?
Bullwinkle: Yup!
Boris: Hehehe, must be the Puerto Rico Polka! Ho ho ho ho!
Rocky: Boo! Let's show the man gang!
Country Music Interlude
Underdog: We'll be back in just a bit! While we're gone, why not visit my metropolis for some fun and games? (Audience: Yay)
Boris: Hey Dog! You know the Moose plays flat all the time?
Underdog: No, but if you hum a few bars we'll try to... (Audience: Boo) I gess you're right!
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