
Everyday's Alright (sic)
YouTube Recording
As Bullwinkle tries his hand at stand up comedy Rocky pushes for the band to play instead. When the song ends, Rocky graciously tries to end the show but Bullwinkle doesn't want to stop telling jokes.
Announcer: Once again it's show time! And Bullwinkle's Family Food 'n Restaurant presents our star, the Minnesota mud lark, all the moose that's fit to pint, Bullwinkle!
Bullwinkle: Heidi friends of fine food and frolic!
Rocky: What are we gonna sing Bullwinkle?
Bulwinkle: Well I thought I might tell a few jokes first Rock! You know, my wife is so...
Rocky: You don't have a wife!
Bullwinkle: Well if I said my sister, nobody'd laugh!
Underdog: Nobody did Pops!
Bullwinkle: Well how 'bout this one! A funny thing happened to me driving to work today...I made it! Hahaha. I made it! You get it?
Rocky: I get it!
Boris: And you can keep it!
Rocky: Let's play first Bullwinkle! You can tell jokes later!
Bullwinkle: Well, okay! Let's do it!
Funky musical interlude.
Rocky: We'll be right back after the Fantasy Fountain Show! Remember Rocky's Trading Post for gifts and souvenirs!
Bullwinkle: Feller comes up to me on the street and he said...
Rocky: We're a little late folks! So long!
Bullwinkle: Feller comes up to me and I said ... so I bit him! You know why humming birds hum? They can't remember the words! Why do firemen wear red suspenders? Well plaid...Mick Jagger...
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