
Hot Dog
YouTube Recording
Bullwinkle introduces a number by Underdog to showcase his saxophone talents. Underdog then invites the audience to join him at Underdog's Mighty Metropolis.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! It's show time! And here on our center stage is our star, flown here at great expense from the state of Minnesota, with a one-way ticket, Bullwinkle!
Bullwinkle: Hi there you fine food and fun folks! Today we'd like to dedicate a number to a real honest to gosh hero, a fearless fighter for law and order, and free parking under fire hydrants, Underdog!
Audience: Yay!
Underdog: Thanks a bundle folks!
Rocky: Mr. Dog, how come you're here playing the saxophone, instead of rescuing fair maidens?
Underdog: Well maidens may come, and maidens may go, but rock is here to stay!
Audience: Yay!
Bullwinkle: You ever figure'd you'd go back to hero biz Underdog?
Underdog: Oh certainly!
Bullwinkle: When?
Underdog: About thirty seconds after I lose my lip!
Rocky: Then we'd better get started fellas!
He's the baddest dog in town
Puttin' out a real bad sound
Blows his sax all through the night
'Cause this dog's bite is more than his bite
Hot dog! Hot dog! Hot dooooog, hot dog!
Now it's true you can't deny
Underdog's a real cool guy
With a sax he casts a spell
And makes the crowd all scream and yell...
Now it's true you can't deny
Underdog's a real cool guy
With a sax he casts a spell
And makes the crowd all scream and yell...
Underdog: Thank you one and all! And while we're gone, I'll meet you in Underdog's Metropolis for some fun and games!
Bullwinkle: But you always beat me!
Underdog: Yes, that's what makes it fun!
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