
Boris Badenov & Natasha Fatale
Boris and Natasha's animatronics were constructed together in the format of a sign, and has existed in every Bullwinkle's animatronic show.
Animatronic Generations
 |  | Generation 1: Prototype The original Boris and Natasha sign was designed by The Only Animated Display & Design Company. |  |
 |  | Generation 2: AVG Design The second generation was designed by AVG, and made its debut at the Edmonton location. This design was almost identical in appearance. |  |
 |  | Generation 3: Dreamation Design The third generation was designed by Dreamation, who changed the positioning of the characters to be side by side. |  |

Dudley Do-Right
Boris Badenov
Natasha Fatale
Snidely Whiplash
Hoppity Hooper
Tooter Turtle
Tennessee Tuxedo
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Boris's Bio
Natasha's Bio
Musical Numbers: Boris
Musical Numbers: Natasha